Monday, November 28, 2005

Sucker-punched by a (not quite) three year old

A few nights back I was putting Sydney, who turns 3 today, to bed. I was in the middle of Dr. Seus's "Fox In Sox" when she tired of my mangled tongue-twisting reading attempts, interrupting me to say, "God came to, um, ... she came to get me."
I asked, "who came to get you Syd?"
"God did. She came to get me. It's scary when God wants to fix you."
BLAMMO! I was almost too floored to hear that from her to respond in any way, but I figured it was worth asking her some more questions about this.
"Why is it scary when God wants to fix you?"
"Because you're different."
BOFFO! This kid of mine just sucker-punched me again! What's going on inside that little noggin? I merely repeated, "because you're different than you were before God wanted to fix you?"
"Yeah. Um, I was two before and now I'm three and I'm bigger."

To think that even at (almost) three years old, my little girl has a sense of what most people (myself included if I'm honest) try to ignore, run from and disparage in others is a humbling thing indeed.

1 comment:

Jim Hancock said...


and a little child shall lead them...