Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Return to blogger / over the edge tv commercials

It's been a looooongtime since I've posted - primarily due to work and family stuff, but I got a couple great articles sent to me today that are worth sharing, in case anyone still visits, like my friend MARKO, who kindly mentioned my blog last week. If you're just now visiting, know that despite Marko's claim that this blog contains "lots of liberal politics", this first link was sent by my dad, a fairly conservative person both politically and theologically. We've had self-shaping discussions through the years that have covered RC Sproul, Ollie North (during the Iran-Contra affair), Mozart, punk rock and more. We always come full circle to agree on the grace of God and an undying belief in the Chicago Cubs.

If I agree with Marko saying that I'm a great thinker (and of course I do), it can only be because of the influence of my dad and mom, who is even more conservative than my dad. All that said, THIS EDITORIAL by Ruben Navarrette was a powerful July 4th statement. As my dad reminded me, it was written by a guy (Navarrette) who "mentions that 3 of his 4 grandparents were born in the USA. All 4 of mine were born in Sweden. Two of yours were born in Sweden." Who's "more American", Ruben Navarrrette or me?

The second article was sent by my persoanl sensei JIM HANCOCK, who is far more thoughtful a person than I, and who keeps me on my toes in terms of new music. THIS EDITORIAL gives an overview of the amazing story of newly elected Newark,NJ mayor Cry Booker. Booker was a Stanford football star, Rhodes scholar and all around too good to be true guy. I've heard and read a few articles on him while he was campaigning, and now that he's in office I can only hope that the promise he radiates will be fulfilled in Newark.

On a completey other note, as I wrote this my wife has the TV on in the background (The Daily SHow) and we just saw a commercial for a Nashville strip club, hosted by a woman stating that she was "miss nude, blonde universe, 2006". I don'tknow if that means she's from a blonde universe and is nude, which I imagine is a lesser honor that if there's an actual nude, blonde universe, in which case she's a miss universe. Regardless, she was touting some club with a mechanical bull and the whole thing was so absurd that Michele and I just laughed in disbelief.

So there you go, liberal politics as informed by a conservative parent, and deep thinking while watching nudie bar commercials airing during The Daily Show. Why haven't I blogged in a couple months?

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