so my awesome pastor, mary sue brookshire, pointed out to me last week that advent was coming (it started yesterday). and that the lectionary reading for the first sunday of advent always starts off with apocalypse - where jesus is talking about all the things that will be made right, all of the things that will be restored and reconciled.
i started looking into this and found this cool blog post about that very idea. as it turns out, the blogger is author jan richardson, whose book sacred journeys is one that michele has used with a group of friends.
anyway, sucker that i am for things like restoration and reconciliation (in most areas of my life ... most), that assurance that a season of waiting and preparation is all about the coming restoration of things. there's plenty to be anxious about, to freak out about, and to force me into making decisions that are out of line with who i understand myself to be, but the opportunity to step back, breathe, and remember that this is a chance to lean into the things i confess to believing is one i don't want to squander.
so perhaps there's some hint of decent theology in the one hit wonder from 1972 by stealer's wheel.
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