Monday, December 05, 2005

O'Reilly & AFA made me agree with the Puritans (!?)

Interesting piece about the commercialization of Christmas and the way it's morphed to the consumer season it is today. I still believe there's middle ground for a more sacred acknowledgement of the holiday, but the way that O'Reilly, the American Family Association (please!), etc... have made the retail industry the center of the "battle for Christmas" is disgusting. What a chance there is for Christian people to make the celebration of the incarnation an opportunity to be a blessing to all the world: to make Christmas about serving the least among us, to offer mercy, compassion, grace, medicine, food, companionship and comfort. And where does the emphasis go? Target said "happy holidays, waahhh!!"

click here

On a different note, somehow this alll reminds me of the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update years ago, where Dennis Miller announced, "Kenny G has released a brand new Christmas album. Happpy birthday Jesus. I hope you like crap."

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