Wednesday, December 07, 2005

runt's rant riles righteously

My buddy Marko has been posting a series called, "a rant by a runt about the american church". It's great reading and food for thought. One of the things I really like about Marko's writing is the way he embraces the things that we so often villify (mystery, doubt, etc... as wonderful gifts from God.

Examle: "our faith should be chock-full of mystery! we see through a glass dimly. we strive to understand (we should) and we strive to see (we should), but we’ll only understand and see a percentage of the grand mysteries of god and the universe. this is not only a biological limitation of being human — it’s a great and loving gift from god! if overly-simplified answers rob us the opportunity for growth and faith, overly-simplified systems (filled with simplified answers) are like a band of robbers."

For more of Marko's series click here

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